Friday, April 21, 2006


We - Indonesian - are very much creature of ceremony. And believe me we could drag on this for hours without realizing it. Things I hate. But I faced it last month. It was for my Ray's exercise contest. There were a flock of around 800 kids waiting for their turn to go to the stage for contest. But these adults, the program committe had let the kids waiting for almost 2 hours in the heat of the sunshine, so some of them could take turn to give a very long speeches. The bla-bla speeches no one really really cared about. They called this 'kids program' and they were busy listening to their own voice on the sound system, while letting the kids grilled in the sun!

This is not the only event where speeches feel like a nightmare for the audience.

Last week I attended what so called the heart aerobic exercise at 6.30 am. I came in a hurry as I did not want to miss it. There, I had to wait for almost two hours, and the speeches was still on and on and on....the speaker was so self-absorbed, my impatient grew taller. I decided to go home ... I lost my morning time to such a waste!

Please appreciate people's time: learn how to organize event properly...